DG for International Partnerships "INTPA" (DG DEVCO/EuropeAid) and DG NEAR
The EU Directorate-General for the EU’s worldwide development aid is DG INTPA, the DG for International Partnerships (formerly DG DEVCO or EuropeAid) that transferred in 2015 some activities of the EU’s neighbourhood policy to DG NEAR (DG for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations). We have an enormous experience for both DGs in more than 50 countries around the world and with the most common funding mechanisms (DCI, IPA, EDF, ENI, EIDHR, etc).
We have performed all possible types of audits, verifications and reviews for DG INTPA/DEVCO and DG NEAR : financial audits, system audits (ISAE 3000), expenditure verifications (ISRS 4400), institutional (pillar) assessments, verification missions, forensic audits and special assignments under agreed-upon procedures (ISRS 4400).
Also, we have extensive experience with all possible types of grant beneficiaries, in all continents of the world : local and international not for profit organisations, research institutions, universities, private companies, local governments, ministries and international organisations.
The grant contracts managed by DG INTPA/DEVCO and DG NEAR and their EU Delegations can take many different forms : action grants, operational grants, programme estimates, contribution agreements, twinning contracts, service/supply/works contracts, technical assistance for capacity building, etc. We do have experience with all these types of EU funded contracts, which is a prerequisite to perform a proper first level control (FLC) due to the specific contractual conditions for each of them and to be able to provide real added value.